
Architecture for me doesn’t have to be complicated. I define architecture in its simplicity. We just have to deal and understand with how the society works and how peolple live their lives. As simple as that. We don’t have to complicate it. Let’s just go with the flow and attend to it’s development. Architecture is basically an artistic way on adjusting to the society. It’s all about knowing everything about your surroundings, how life goes on everyday and even how people ineract with each other. After a series of observing we put creativity on it. We mark things by the way of art. In architecture, problems are solved in different ways. It thrives the social and political being of the world. It is inspirational, unexpected and real. Architecture is optimistic, in a way that it is for the development and improvement.

I wanna be an architect because i want to share my creativity to the society and live life with an achievement. Honestly speaking it is how my family lived for, for decades. But then personally it is really what i love. I want to show the society the definition of my art and architecture, not by being great but putting inspiration on this developing world. I may have a simple goal but I know I'll put my self into the test. I want to prove something not just to everyone but also to my self.

As an architect standing out and being known isn’t really a big thing for me. But of course, if given a chance, why not? i just want to be known on how simple things must be, especially when it comes to architecture. I wan’t them to see designs that fits the society on its purpose and demand. I don’t want them to look at architecture as if it’s some fashion that is being revived and worn purposeless. Architecture may be simple for me but has a lot of aspirations. I want them to see my architecture as transparent and incomplex with an ambition.

Architecture gives form to space. The kind of architecture that fascinates me are those that has clear outline that defines a figure immediately that is easliy understood and percieved. Form just really matters to me, its disntinctness and meaning. Yes, modern architecture is really my thing but that doesn’t mean that i have no space for old architecture. Somehow I want a touch of reminiscing and conserving classic materials on a structure. I specify my fascination on tropical architecture maybe because of the society where i move around. I point on the importance of natural light and its relationship with the season. Volume in a structure also matters Subtractions create transitional spaces. However, on the other hand I dont want complicated designs. I believe that too much details can kill the essence of the form. Gothic, old and traditional designs will never be my thing. I love the works of famous archutects like Mario Botta, Tadao Ando and Norman Foster.

Well, of course hopes and goals can be a guide into reaching a dream. 10 years from now, I maybe an architect working for my self. I have a goal on having my own firm, it may not be as big as those leading design companies now, but that may live my dream. I just want to be successful in my own way. I want to see my works and designs whenever i drive my self into places. I want happy and satisfied clients calling me after their house is successfully built. I want to see my self working hard with passion and content. I think that’s it.

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