HSTARC1: PreHistoric Structures Illustrations




Honestly, i’m not that interested into the history of architecture per say. But then of course, the reason behind the great architecture now is because of where it started. Origin makes perfect sense. Development is seen within years. Architecture, as all the things here in the world started from a simple rock formations. I my self can even base my ideas into first structures that was built by either the natural happenings by the worlds changing climate or the first architects who considered practical things in building a shelter. With all its varying phases and complex developments, must have had a simple origin in the primitive efforts of mankind to provide protection against inclement weather, wild beasts, and human enemies. Hunters and fishermen in primeval times naturally sought shelter in rock caves, and these were manifestly the earliest form of human dwellings ; tillers of the soil took cover under arbours of trees, and from them fashioned huts of wattle and daub ; while shepherds, who followed their flocks, would lie down under coverings of skins which only had to be raised on posts to form tents. Here, then, in caves, huts, and tents we find the three primitive types of human dwellings, the three germs of later architectural developments.

On my manifesto, I've said that architecture basically solving and answering a problem. Obviously, on the reporting that was held last tuesday, first people made structures in order to cope with the earth and their survival. As human cultures developed and knowledge began to be formalized through oral traditions and practices, architecture became a craft. They applied the concept of trial and error at its first stage.
As modern architects did i think they considered suffice planning in order to achieve durability, utility and beauty. Now we convert these simple rock formations as the mega constructions that reflects the economic capabilty of a city.
Learning these helped me understand that practicality should still be considered nowadays. The power of aesthetics, beauty and art along with logical application into a structure are alongside with its usage and concept.
It’s nice to glimpse at the past and be insipred at the present. I realized that there’s something into history that i think i need to be interested in.


Metropulis ayon kay ...

Where is the story behind this?....Good illustrations!

owie ayon kay ...

i edited it this morning. i reposted it again. thanks!

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