THEDES2: Manfestos : a start off part. to be continued.

All architects have their own style or way of designing. The thing is no one establishes one until he or she is famous. But then I’m sure all of them try to develop on the quality of their building or design. They put in their minds that their architecture would make something in our society. Or simply make our world somewhat or somehow better. Reading a full book of manifestos kind of mixed up everything in me. I think what I noticed first is do really architects design for expectations of the society to be developed with full of commercial ties for themselves to be known and promoted or simply just by being unselfish and realistically doing everything for us the people who sees, wonders and anticipate?

Architects with their manifestos are clearly convinced that what they carry is how they discern or perceive their education and influence. Their design theories, style and process have been the outcome of the world’s social and technological changes. Depending on these two reasons are specified with modernization, industrialization, reconstruction, social movement and production.

Today architects consider the commercial and market side of the situation. They produce their ideas out of the present picture. Developing their style and marks has been easy for those who have established it first. But then starting or creating yet needs a lot of work. Architecture manifestos, has been a word for the star architects, that’s just an observation though. But then there are a lot of prospective manifestos that needs to be seen.

A manifesto, as I search the word in the dictionary, is supposed to change the course of society in a mission statement or program. Yes, most of the influential architects of today declare every part on what they believe in. Greatly it turns out to produce the word "influence and admiration." So do manifestos of today is a product of every individual mind? Ideology and principles to individualism? I am to discover further.

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