HSTARC2: Renaissance Architecture

For the improvement and development of the mighty greek and roman architecture comes the so called “rebirth,” renaissance architecture. Classical culture was revived and revolution was started. Renaissance was a great time of beautiful artwork and structures, which flourished and covered all over Western Europe. Although it began in Italy where there was always a residue of classical-styled architecture, it might have been expected to appear first in Rome. But during the 14th-15th century Rome’s government haven’t supported much on art unlike in Florence. It comes not only to architecture but also in sculpture, painting and literature. On this era religion has given way to humanity and individualism. Art and literature was focused so much that it affected the architecture of the time. Renaissance started on Florence, Italy.

Renaissance in architecture reflects on the word itself the revival and rebirth of the classical styles of architecture. The arrangement, proportion and symmetry of the structure was highly seen during the era. From Florence, the early Renaissance style spread gradually over Italy. It is noticeable that in the architecture of northern Italy, there was a greater interest in the depictions of pattern and color. Even the classical orders were affected by this decorative approach. Classical pilasters often had panels of candelabra and arabesque decoration in delicate relief on the surfaces of their shafts; the lower third of a column was frequently carved with relief sculpture. After the creation of several impressive Roman structures, the early Renaissance was on its way to newer heights. The artists began to be more expressive and creative in their designs. The early Renaissance in Rome was rapidly approaching the simplicity, monumentality, and massiveness of the High Renaissance of the early 16th century.

Some of the most noted artists, architects, and sculptors of the High Renaissance include Donato Bramante, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael.
In essence, the Renaissance was a time period in which stunning sculptures, buildings, and artwork flourished all over Western Europe. It was one of the high points of humanism and the expression of creativity and beauty of life.
A major change as they say on approaching a new level of art and architecture. for me the creativity of the Renaissance by including artwork, literature, historical facts, and of course architecture is a step further on taking of decorations and useless details. It is for the future. The expression of the humanity was given the chance to be out and be underlined. Which is important on architecture. Creativity should be at the front line of art and architecture.

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