HSTARC2: Art Deco

Art Deco began in Paris during the 1920s which reached international level during the 1930s. The style is purely decorative which influenced all areas of design such as architecture, interior design, industrial design, jewelry, visual arts and graphic arts. It represents elegance, glamour, functionality and modernity through linear symmetry and flowing asymmetrical organic curves like the style of Art Nouveau. It was inspired by ancient Egyptian and Aztec forms and was influenced by different styles such as Neoclassical, Constructivism, Cubism, Modernism and Futurism.

Art Deco is based on mathematical geometric shapes which were widely considered as an elegant and stylish form of modernism. It is used in Machine Age and streamlines technologies such as modern aviation, electric lighting, radio and skyscrapers. Cubism and Futurism influenced Art Deco in the crystalline and faceted forms of decoration. Other well known shapes used in Art Deco are trapezoids, zigzags, geometric, and jumbled shapes. Materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, lacquer, Bakelite, Chrome and inlaid wood are commonly used in Art Deco, sharkskin and zebra skin were also quite used.

Most of Art Deco inspired buildings have features such as:
• Cubic forms
• Ziggurat shapes
• Rectangles and Trapezoids
• Bands of colors
• Zigzag designs
• Pillar illusions

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