HSTARC2: Arts & Crafts

Arts and Crafts movement originated in England during 1880-1930 and later on spread through Europe and North America. The main theme of the movement is the truth to materials which uses simple forms, medieval and romantic styles of decoration.

In architecture, the design principle of Arts and Craft movement is its authenticity in design and decoration and a reaction against machine produced styles which preludes to Modernism. Objects and design involved in Arts and Crafts has a simple form which often shows the way it was assembled or put together and doesn’t have superfluous decorations. The main principle of Arts and Crafts design is to preserve and emphasize the qualities of the materials used or the idea of “truth to material’. Most patterns used are inspired by British flora and fauna, vernacular or domestic traditions. The main qualities of Arts and Crafts movement is simplicity and honest use of materials which could be inspired by Art Nouveau and Bauhaus. Art and Crafts ideals had an influence on architecture, painting, sculpture, graphics, book making, photography, decorative arts, woodworks and furniture, stained glass, metalwork and ceramics.

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